Programs that are designed to run on smartphone, tablets and other mobile devices are known as mobile app. The apps are available trhough application distribution platform, managed by the owner of the mobile operating system like goolge play for android apps, windoes phone store for windows apps, apple app store for ios apps.
Windows Embedded Compact which formerly was Windows CE is the operating system of creating windows mobile applications. Microsoft introduced Windows Compact framework for windows mobile application which uses hybrid kernel. Microsoft has also provided emulators for the developers to test their applications without devices. Mobile Centre facilitate emulator to use the required resources like internet of computer system into emulator to test application at the time of development.
At RMSOFT Technology we are experienced with windows mobile app development. We are always aware of and maintain high technical standard, user friendly GUI and also complete functionality of the windows apps. Our more than 10 years experience in DOTNET, made us much more powerful in windows mobile application. RMSOFT Technologies has satisfied abroad clients as well by developing windows apps.